Is Your Polygraph Examiner Qualified? Why Research Matters Before Scheduling Your Test

In this blog, two crucial questions are posed that all individuals should ask themselves:

  1. Do you truly know if your polygraph examiner is qualified for your specific issue before you hire them and arrive for testing?

  2. Have you thoroughly researched your examiner before scheduling your important exam?

These questions are essential because the consequences of hiring an unqualified examiner can lead to disastrous outcomes, further complicating your life when you are already dealing with significant issues.

  • An Important Note to Readers: I often include this clarification in my blogs because many people get confused. When you read and observe the words "Polygraph Testing," "Polygraph Exam," or "Lie Detector Test," understand that these terms all mean the same thing. In the early days, everyone was more familiar with the term "Lie Detection Testing." Now, it is mainly called "Polygraph Testing" or "Polygraph Exams," which sounds more professional. So, do not be confused if these words are used interchangeably in this blog; they all mean the same.

Real-Life Consequences of Choosing the Wrong Polygraph Examiner

As an Advanced Board-Certified Polygraph Examiner and Certified Court Expert with over two decades of experience and thousands of proven-accurate polygraph examinations, I’ve seen firsthand the devastating effects that hiring the wrong polygraph examiner can have on people’s lives. I can say with certainty that these two critical questions, as I mentioned earlier, trouble me greatly when it comes to individuals hiring polygraph examiners. Time and again, I’ve encountered individuals facing serious, high-stake matters who turned to inexperienced or unqualified examiners, only to find their lives in even more chaos and jeopardy than before. Ultimately, they sought my expertise to rectify the damage.

Why does this happen, you ask? When people are in a state of chaos, trauma, and desperation, they’re often in a rush to find immediate answers. In their urgency, they rush to judgment and reach out to whoever is immediately available, without taking the time to ensure they’re hiring the right person for the job. They hear what they want to hear, quickly latch onto it, and make decisions on the spot, often without fully understanding the consequences.

A Real-Life Scenario (names omitted for privacy): A father is at work when his 3-year-old daughter tells her mother, after a bath, that her private area hurts. The mother immediately questions the child, asking, "Did daddy hurt you?" The child nods in response. Without hesitation, the mother calls the father at his job, screaming at him: "Our daughter said you sexually molested her! Get the F*&*& out of the house and don’t come back! I’m calling the police." The father, shocked and devastated by the accusation, tries to explain himself and that he would never do such a thing, but the mother hangs up before he can speak.

What is the father to do? In his immediate desperation, he searches online for "Polygraph/Lie Detector near me." Several businesses pop up, and he calls the first one that answers or is closest to his work. Without checking any reviews or researching the examiner’s website, the father explains his situation over the phone. The examiner responds, "Oh, sure, we’ve handled this issue for many people, and we can help you. The cost is $250, and the test will take about an hour. We can get you in today."

The father, eager for resolution, agrees and takes off from work to go to the polygraph examination appointment. He is understandably upset by the accusation but feels confident that he did not molest or abuse his child and believes the polygraph will clear his name. 

However, when he arrives, the office is located in a shabby strip mall, and the space itself is dull and unwelcoming. The examiner briefly greets the father, completes some basic paperwork, and asks a few questions about the situation. The test is administered, and the examiner tells the father, "Well, it looks like the results are inconclusive. If you’d like to schedule another test and return another day, just let me know."

The father leaves feeling dejected and even more upset, as he had truly believed that he would have passed with outstanding results and the test would clear his name.

The Difference Between Experienced and Inexperienced Polygraph Examiners

As I’ve shared in many of my blogs and on my TikTok channel, inconclusive polygraph results are never the fault of the examinee taking the test; they’re the fault and responsibility of the examiner who administered the examination.

Let’s revisit the real-life scenario discussed earlier. Had the father taken just a few minutes to do some research, he would have seen the examiner’s reviews, which included comments like: "The examiner seemed rushed and more concerned with money than my case," "The office looked like it had just opened or the examiner had been evicted," and "The examiner didn’t display any credentials on the walls and couldn’t provide them upon request."

One review even said: "I received inconclusive results, and the examiner couldn’t explain which questions were inconclusive or why. Stay away."

Had the father read those reviews, he likely wouldn’t have chosen that examiner. Another key step would have been looking up other examiners, checking for displayed credentials, and asking questions about their qualifications—not just about the price or how quickly they could schedule his polygraph test. 

Thankfully, the father's situation had a positive outcome. He eventually came to me, where we conducted an extensive interview and a thorough examination. It was determined that he had never abused the child at any time. The pain the child experienced was the result of scratching herself in the tub. The mother, being a prior victim of abuse, had immediately jumped to conclusions, blaming the father due to the strained relationship between them at the time. The father was cleared, and no CPS findings or criminal charges were ever placed on him.

Why It's Essential to Research Your Polygraph Examiner Before Hiring Them

This real-life scenario highlights the significant difference between experienced and inexperienced examiners. If the father had taken the time to read reviews, research the examiner, and ask the right questions, he could have avoided the additional stress and confusion caused by the initial test.

An inexperienced examiner might rush through an exam, provide inconclusive results, or fail to display their credentials. In contrast, an experienced examiner will take the time to ask the right questions, conduct a thorough exam, and deliver accurate results.

If you don’t take the time to research your examiner, you may end up paying for incompetence. As I always say, you get what you pay for. Choosing the cheapest option could mean receiving inaccurate results, which could have lasting negative consequences for you.

Before scheduling your polygraph test, it’s crucial to read reviews, check credentials, and ask questions. An experienced and highly qualified polygraph examiner will have no problem showing their credentials, sharing reviews, and answering your questions. Additionally, reputable examiners will be listed with the American Polygraph Association or your state’s polygraph association.

Key Questions to Ask Before Hiring a Polygraph Examiner

  • Do they have extensive experience with the type of issue you are facing (e.g., criminal acts, false allegations, etc.)?

  • Do they display their credentials openly in their office, and are they willing to show them upon request?

  • Can they provide proof of their court testimony experience, if applicable?

  • Can they provide reviews or references from past clients?

Why Credentials Matter When Choosing a Polygraph Examiner

Just two weeks ago, I had a client who was facing a serious criminal allegation that could have resulted in a life sentence. The client, like many others, had called around to multiple examiners, searching for the best price. Eventually, he and his wife chose my services despite the fact that my price was higher than some of the other examiners they spoke with. They recognized that my credentials and experience were far more valuable than simply going with the cheapest option. The other examiners were more focused on getting the business, while I was genuinely concerned about the client's case.

There is a huge difference between examiners, and I always advise clients to do their due diligence. Research reviews and credentials. If an examiner is afraid to display their credentials, what else are they afraid to tell you? If an examiner works out of a shabby or unprofessional office, or worse, bounces between hotels and rental spaces, be cautious. They may be trying to avoid accountability.

Also, beware of referral services—they are often misleading. You’ll never truly know which examiner you're getting or the level of experience they have. Referral services may sound appealing on the website or phone, but it's like booking an Airbnb: you never fully know what you’re getting until you’ve already paid a deposit.

The Importance of Choosing Experience Over Cost

Let’s revisit those two important questions:

  1. Do you truly know if your polygraph examiner is qualified for your specific issue before you hire them and arrive for testing?

  2. Have you thoroughly researched your examiner before scheduling your important exam?

For most, the answer is a resounding no. Why? Because people often choose cost over experience and prioritize immediate bookings over waiting a day or two for an appointment.

But here’s what happens when you choose an examiner based on cost: you get what you pay for. Less is never better, less is never more accurate, and less means the examiner is focused on getting you in the door rather than providing competent, accurate service. These examiners know they can’t compete on competency, so they compete on price instead.

Think about this: a liar or a truthful person doesn’t change their nature overnight. Booking immediately with an inexperienced examiner won’t get you the closure or answers you seek. What it might get you is less accuracy and more confusion. So why not wait until an experienced examiner has an opening, ensuring you get all the answers and closure you need to make informed decisions about your future?

In closing, I want to emphasize that when you hire a polygraph examiner, you’re dealing with an important matter that deserves attention and care. Some examiners are great, but some are inexperienced or unreliable. I wouldn’t trust certain examiners to test my pets, let alone handle serious cases. Always hire the examiner who best suits your needs and issues. Remember, pay for experience, not the cheapest option. Do your due diligence by checking credentials, reading reviews, and confirming their membership in the American Polygraph Association or a state association. If they aren't listed there, stay clear of them.

If Executive Protection Group Polygraph Service can help you, please don’t hesitate to call us to schedule your real, authentic, professional polygraph examination to resolve your important matter.

Take the pivotal step towards peace of mind by connecting with Mr. David Goldberg, the founder of Executive Protection Group Polygraph Service. With over a combined 30 years of experience in administering polygraph examinations as an Advanced Board-Certified Polygraph Examiner and Investigator, Mr. David Goldberg brings unparalleled expertise.

Our mission at Executive Protection Group Polygraph Service is clear: to eliminate doubts and ensure you find the closure you deserve to move forward in your life. Specializing in comprehensive and confidential polygraph examinations, we serve clients in Hampton Roads, including Virginia Beach, Norfolk, Chesapeake, Portsmouth, Newport News, Suffolk, Hampton, and beyond. Led by Mr. David Goldberg, a Virginia State Licensed Advanced Board-Certified Polygraph Examiner and nationally recognized expert, our commitment is to deliver immediate, reliable, and accurate results.

To explore how we can assist you further, review our polygraph services or call Executive Protection Group Polygraph Service today to schedule your polygraph examination. Take the first step towards resolution and peace of mind with us.

David Goldberg | Expert Polygraph Examiner

David Goldberg is the founder of Executive Protection Group Polygraph Service, a premier polygraph/lie detector test service based in Hampton Roads, Virginia. With over 22 years of experience as a Virginia State Licensed Advanced Board-Certified Polygraph Examiner, David brings unparalleled expertise to each examination, guaranteeing that his clients receive accurate and reliable results, providing the closure they need to move forward in life.


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